I am a big old stupid krabby patty (SpongeBob reference) right now.
And when I get in this weird-o mood I think about dumb things. Well more so then usual. I am totally mad right now because like 12 people are mowing their lawns and about 12 more are weed whacking - this wouldn't bother me on any other day but I can't hear Judge Judy. I know I have seen it a million times and I know what the verdict ends up being - but I still want to hear it. I suppose I could DVR it? Nah - then I would really get teased. My husband has already made fun of me for DVRing "Roseanne" - again I think I have seen just about every episode made. There is one that I remember for some weird reason. I don't usually see it on very often - but it's the one where Roseanne is supposed to be taking a bath and she ends up falling asleep in her bubbles. She dreams about whatever - but the thing that really stands out in my mind is when she is on trial for killing Dan. She drowns him in cream corn. It's just such an odd episode - too funny!!! Another show I DVR which I think is totally dumb is, "Sex Decoy, Love Stings"... - two of three daughter are strippers and the mom wants them to leave stripping to join the family business. Too funny -- strippers running around trying to seduce men and they are being paid for it by the girlfriend....isn't that kinda like stripping?
Anyway - I was just reading some fun articles in "Parent" magazine about ants. I LOVE ants (except in the the summer when they creep in the back patio door . .. .). They are amazing creatures....I plan to blog about how an ant get's the royal title of "Queen". How fun will that be?? =)
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